Today has been an interesting day so far. Woke up, went to the gym, as per usual, and then me and mum headed into the Valley. Why? in search of Doc Martens. Firstly we didn't even know how to get in there, because she never goes in there, and i only ever catch the bus, so we drove around until we kinda found it, parked in a parking lot, and searched around until we found the Doc Marten shop itself.
Then hits my first wave of disappointment: They didn't have my size in the copper-metallic ones i wanted, and weren't getting anymore. This news was also delivered from a very un-sympathetic dodgery old man, and i wanted to punch him.
So we drove to DFO to try and get the poppy docs, i previously had wanted. And once again they didn't have them in my size, and weren't getting any. But i didn't have any urge to punhc this sales lady because she was nice and helpful. So we decided just to try on some in black, to get my size, and wait for the new season Docs.
So I tried them on. Loved them sooo much. AANNNDDD convinced mum to buy the black ones :)
So now i have my very own pair of original Docs.
Black, hard leather. Veryyy nice.
Although, with the hard leather, they take a bit to break into them and mould to your feet, so at the mo, they aren't OVERLY comfortable. But they will be... eventually.

also, i ordered this AA mustard skirt a while ago, and they sent me a grey unisex zip-up hoodie instead. And now i've decided i can't be bothered to send it back, also in fear that they'll never send me my skirt, and they hoodie is cool aswell.
So i'm going to keep it, and it will be handy for when i go to New Zealand in 2 DAYS!
But the max. temperature for next week is forecast to be like 16 degrees... i'm screwed.