Hello everybody.
This is my first post since I started the year back at school, how exciting! All is very normal-but-bot this year. I have none of my friends in my classes, which is good because i have no one to talk to about non-school-related-things anymore, but it also makes class about 50 trillion times boringer. Anyways, so
Chloe from
countrybelle, has started a tag, and so i might help get the ball rolling.
The Fashionista Tag
describe your personal style.I don’t even have a personal style. I can never make up my mind as to what ‘style’ I want to channel. Only thing I do wear a lot of is colour. I can’t remember ever going out in a full black, or monochromatic outfit. That’s my aim for this winter.
what are the staples in your wardrobe? White t-shirts. Denim. Lots of denim shorts and jeans. Oh and scarves. I adore scarves.
what's your signature look?Well my fail-safe, default outfit is white t-shirt, high-waisted shirt of whatever colour or pattern takes my fancy, some kind of belt (usually brown leather), and a scarf or necklace. Quick and easy.
what inspires you? I could rattle of a list of things, but it’s pretty much the same as EVERYONE else slightly creative and non-poppy-tweeny-bopper would say. But I do really love textiles, and all the amazing fabrics out there, and how they are cut, draped, sewn etc. into amazing creations.
who is your fashion muse? Aahhh don’t really have one. But I have to say, I am always amazed by the way Margherita Missoni dresses.
favorite purchase of all time? There is NO way I could have one favourite. Although thinking really hard. My fringe bag, and vintage Pierre Cardin mesh bag.
biggest splurge? I don’t really spend large amounts of money on one item. Shoes for $140 once ahaha, my docs were $200 but mum bought them so it doesn’t really count. That’s what happens when you’re a school kid with no job.
what's your beauty routine? Wash my face, put on mascara & eyeliner and a bit of concealer. Not really into foundation or any other make up at the moment in this heat.
what jewelry do you never take off? Aaah, I don’t wear one piece of jewelry all the time. Probably my watch if anything.
what are you wishing for?A new sewing machine and overlocker. A really simple to use overlocker. And for someone to tell me a really good hairdresser in Brisbane who cuts curly hair well.
what are your obsessions?Red Lips. Dreaming about about my future career, house, wardrobe and life. Oh and a current obsession is the Ralph Lauren Spring 09 rtw collection.
So I'm going to tag 3 girls who are so inspiring to me:
Lorraine and
A Dreamer.