and they both revolve around bird silhouettes.
one of the many times i was surfing the information superhighway that is the Internet i came across this photo of Kirsten Dunst and was utterly inspired
further research into the creatures stitched onto her dress led me to these findings
and by this point i was totally hooked onto bird silhouettes. then earlier on tonight i was once again searching the blogosphere and found a lovely blog called the 16 diaries
and was roaming my way throught her archives when i found her post on the RAFW and i discovered that Michelle Jank is another designer who had a bit of a fetish for birds this season
i am now totally inspired to create a masterpiece like this.
i don't know what this masterpiece will turn out like, whether it be clothing or jewelry or anything, but i am determined to incorporate birds into my look.
whatever 'my look' is.
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