Friday, February 13, 2009


Sorry for the lack of presence this week, it's been a pretty up and down week. On Tuesday one of my best friend's mother passed away. It was completely unexpected and we are all still in shock. She was the most amazing woman i have ever met, and did so much for the community, i can't even begin to describe. She was always so positive and vibrant and had a beautiful imagination and personality.
It has been a tough week, but hopefully things will steadily, start getting back to as normal as possible.

We had a plain-clothes-day/valentine's day thing at school today. as per every year actually.


sorry about my bathroom as the background. the best i could do when it's dark at night. my room is an absolute mess. and so is the whole house really.
wearing- aa skirt; old white tshirt; sportsgirl & mum's belts; vintage scarf; docs; op shopped bag.


this was then transferred into a stencil for a simplification project.
happy valentines day!!


Amelia StyleDownUnder said...

your aa skirt is rad! such an unusual colour! xx

Unknown said...

I hope you friend is okay. Now let's talk about this amazing outfit. Love the khaki-ish skirt with the top and scarf. Very chic and gossip girlish.

Sienna said...

Great styling dear!

Lorraine said...

Is your friend okay? I hope so.
Mmm, I love white tshirts.
and isn't it a tad hot for stocking?

emsydo said...

omgosh that's awful. give your friend a huuuuuuuge hug (probably done that already though....)

love your skirt! wish i didn't have a school uniform.

Anonymous said...

this was wayy cooler in real life. you need to take photos that do it justice!
